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Answering Humanity's Critical Questions (English)

準備: Naji Ibrahim Al Arfaj


Islam answers humanity’s most critical and significant questions, such as:  What is the truth?  Who created us?  Is there a God?  Who is our true God?  Who is God’s final prophet?  Whom should we worship?  Who are we?  Why are we here?  What happens after we die?  What will the next life be like?  What is our final destination – Paradise or Hellfire?  How can we attain true peace of mind, success, and real happiness?  How can we gain eternal life?

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Written by: Dr. Naji Ibrahim

Edited by: Ann Ronayne


Islam answers humanity's most critical and significant questions, such as:

§ What is the truth?

§ Who created us?

§ Is there a God?

§ Who is our true God?

§ Who is God's final prophet?

§ Whom should we worship?

§ Who are we?

§ Why are we here?

§ What happens after we die?

§ What will the next life be like?

§ What is our final destination – Paradise or Hellfire?

§ How can we attain true peace of mind, success, and real happiness?

§ How can we gain eternal life?


Islam tells us that the One True God (Allah) has created the entire creation. It is only this great God (Allah) Who made all humans and animals; the earth and its mountains, oceans and rivers, plants and forests; the sun and the moon, galaxies and orbits; and days and nights. All other objects, including those we know of and those that have not yet been discovered, are aspects of His infinite creation.

Allah created all life on Earth, and He created the entire universe with its time, space, energy, and matter. Allah sustains the universe and everything in it, and He controls all that happens in this universe.

Still, some people attribute their existence to 'chance' or to 'nature'! Scientifically speaking, let's define what they mean by NATURE! What is 'nature'?

Do you agree with me that nature includes plants; planets, orbits, and galaxies; valleys and mountains, oceans and rivers; the earth, sun, moon, stars, and other objects? So have these things created themselves? Have they created human beings?

The Glorious and universal Qur'an beautifully tells us:

{O humankind, worship your Lord, Who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous.} (2: 21)

{He (God) created the Heavens and Earth in truth.} (39: 5)

{It is He Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon.} (21: 33)

Often, those who believe only in nature argue that they do not believe in God simply because they cannot see, touch, or conduct an experiment on Him!

A couple of years ago, in Oregon, USA, my elderly neighbour visited me at home. We talked about several things, one of which was the concept of God. Denying the existence of God, he knocked on the tea table, saying emotionally, "I believe in this table since I can touch it… I can feel it!"

Reasoning with him, I pointed to a lamp in the room and asked, "Do you believe in electricity?"

He replied, "Sure."

I asked, "Can you see the power or energy that is generating the light?"

"No," he answered.

I asked him further, “Have you ever seen – with your own eyes – the air we breathe? Do you have feelings? What are their colours, shapes, and sizes? What is sleep? What is its colour or weight? How many things do we believe in without actually seeing them?"

On another occasion, I met a young man, called Chris, and his wife at a hotel in Oslo, Norway. During a friendly discussion with them, I asked Chris, "So, what is the purpose of life?"

Surprised, he exclaimed, "This is the first time I've ever heard such a question!" He added, "I think there is no purpose to my life," and he concluded, "I don't believe in any god."

I asked why, and he explained, "I haven't seen it yet."

Commenting on his reply, I asked him (with a smile), “Do you love your wife? Can you physically see this love? What is the colour of your love? How much does this love weigh?"

How did Chris and his wife react? Try to imagine it!

Obviously, not being able to see or tangibly measure this abstract love does not lead to denying its truth and existence.

By the same logic, just because we cannot observe God (with our limited faculties and senses, which cannot comprehend His greatness), this should not make us deny His existence.

God's existence is evident and easily traceable in the unlimited signs and proofs manifested in the creation of innumerable atoms, cells, tissues, and muscles, and in everyone and everything He has created.

Thousands of God's prophets (only some of whose names we know), as well as billions of their followers throughout human history, have confirmed the existence of God. Is it rational or logical to disregard the testimony of these countless people and signs, in favour of 'science' alone, when in fact scientific theories only describe the universe and do not ask what or who has created this universe and made it the way it is? In fact, the scientific evidence indicates that the odds of our universe having arisen by 'chance' are truly mind-bogglingly small, yet 'chance' is the only explanation that atheists can come up with for the existence and nature of the universe; according to them, it 'just happens to be this way'.

Given this, please consider which belief is truly more logical: that blind chance governs all, or that the universe is the way it is because it was created and is controlled by God?

Consider these questions:

v Is the universe the result of an intelligent creator, or did it materialize by blind chance?

v Does 'science' or 'the theory of evolution' disprove the existence of God?

The truth in Islam is simple. There is only one God, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe (blessed and exalted is He). We must not consider anyone or anything to be above or even equal to Him. The One True God (Allah) has created us to know and worship Him alone.

Those who worship Him correctly, following His commandments completely, will be admitted to eternal life in Paradise.

On the other hand, those who disobey God, following their sinful lusts and desires, exploiting and oppressing others, will be taken to… Well, where would you expect?

We can attain genuine happiness and peace of mind only by believing in and submitting to the One True God (Allah).


Islam answers this crucial question clearly and beautifully, and it reveals details about the unique nature and qualities of the One True God. The Glorious Qur'an states:

{Say: He is God (Allah) [Who is] One, God (Allah), the Eternal refuge; He neither begets nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent.} (112: 1-4)

The above is a complete chapter of the Glorious Qur'an. This wonderful chapter briefly and concisely conveys the ultimate truth about the one God (Allah) and His true nature; it clearly answers important questions that puzzle millions of people.

Some of the qualities that distinguish this true God (Allah) from other beings who claim (or are claimed) to be God are:

• This true God is the Creator; He is neither created nor born.

• This true God is only ONE, not more! He has no partners or equals.

• This One True God is invisible to us in this life.

• This One True God is not manifested or incarnated in any physical forms of His creation.

• This One True God is eternal; He does not die or change. He will always be there for us.

• This One True God is not in need of anything or anyone, such as a mother, a wife, or a son; nor does He require food, drink, or any kind of help. It is others who need Him.

• This One True God is unique in His attributes. No one is like Him, and no human or animal characteristics can be attributed to Him.


Indeed, Islam recognizes our innate natures and answers our questions. It speaks to our souls and to our spiritual and intellectual needs and tendencies. Allah, Who knows the deepest secrets and thoughts in our souls, minds, and hearts, reveals to us the secrets that bring tranquillity and contentment to them. These are some keys and secrets to help us attain peace of mind:

1) Know your One True God.

2) Believe in Him alone.

3) Follow His Will and obey Him.

4) Believe in His prophets (including Prophet Muhammad).

5) Remember Him.

6) Seek His forgiveness.

7) Worship Him alone.

8) Wish for others what you wish for yourself.

9) Be generous to others and try to make them happy.

10) Be sincere and pious.

These secrets for achieving peace of mind, tranquillity, and contentment, as well as spiritual, social, and global peace, are among the magnificent treasures of the Glorious Qur'an and the Prophetic sayings.

To sum up, Islam answers humanity's critical and significant questions and teaches us through its two main authentic sources – the Glorious Qur'an and the Prophetic sayings – that we can attain peace of mind, happiness, and salvation only by knowing and believing in the One True God (Allah), willingly and wholeheartedly. We must also believe in all God's true prophets (including Prophet Muhammad) and follow their true guidance and teachings.

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The Series of Discover Its Beauty in 7 Minutes:

1. Just the Tip of the Iceberg

2. The Religion of Adam and Eve

3. The ABCs of Islam

4. Answering Humanity's Critical Questions

5. His Beautiful Names

6. The Last Revelation

7. The Final Messenger










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